Quotes about Heaven

"My first&foremost Commandment, according to JesusChrist, is; "love the Father with all your heart, your whole mind, your whole being." ...Thus simply by joining any religious group qualifies no one to have a seat in God'sKingdom. Love for God is the only Way and the only qualification.

"Do not stay in illusion; 
go to the eternal reality.
Do not stay in darkness; go to the light.
Do not remain in the realm of death; 

become immortal!"
– Bṛhad-āraṇyaka Upaniṣad 1.3.28

 A kingdom is not 
a kingdom without a king.
Heaven is a kingdom of God

 He who doesn't love God 
w/all his heart has no 
business in Heaven.

 Heaven is a place 
on earth in our hearts;
The God, who resides there,
is called love.

TheSoul need not have to mortally die to go to heaven; 
For as long as the person is doing "the will of the Father", 

he is with God, he is in love, he is joyful, he is in heaven.

Don't grieve for what you've lost, save your precious tears; There are lots of found-and-lost things in this lifetime, which will be lost in the end, that every heart must take. And when you do have need to cry: pray; it will catapult your tears to heaven, your pain shall be transformed into a merciful rain that will replenish you, sweet Spirit Soul. In your heart lies the seed of the wondrous flower that needs the "tears of heaven", the love of the eternal loving Father, to grow. Once you've found His abode, you will not be lost. You'll not think that you'll cease to exist when your physical body expires. You'll not cease to love unconditionally and you'll care with no bind. Love God; with Him, love is forever.

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